
Sunday 7 October 2012

Quick Relief for Allergy and Asthma Sufferers

Increased allergens include higher than normal levels of pollen, mold, and other outdoor allergens. Ragweed is considered one of the most common allergens during the fall allergy season and ragweed is the number one cause of hay fever. It causes a respiratory allergy called Hay Fever Allergic Rhinitis. In the deep South, ragweed season often hits as early as July.By limiting your exposure to pollens, molds, and other allergens during the height of allergy season you may be able to reduce your allergic reaction.There are numerous allergy symptoms that you can effectively handle with home remedies. Be sure to always consult your doctor for serious allergic reactions, persistent symptoms, or when an elevated body temperature accompanies allergy symptoms. But, for the average or mundane allergy symptoms, you can find some welcome relief by using the following home remedy and allergy prevention tips.Allergies have become more common today, one theory by a leading allergy specialist is as he says "too clean", the fact that we live in such clean environments and as allergies are an abnormal response by our immune system, our immune systems are not building up the immunity our bodies need to protect us.As I mentioned before, the proposed mechanism is an IgG mediated response. Some food allergists diagnose specific food allergies by measuring IgG levels. This runs counter to all of modern allergy practice.Millions of Americans suffer from allergies. Many people are afflicted with some type of allergy to all sorts of things, such as environmental allergens, odors, fumes, food, and cigarette smoke are few of the factors. Allergies despite not being diseases can severely affect your health for weeks. Allergy is widespread and affects approximately one in four of the population in the UK at some time in their lives. According to a study each year the numbers are increasing approximately by 5% with as many as half of all those affected being children.A lot of allergy sufferers swear by acupuncture to alleviate their allergies. Other alternative treatments would be vitamin, antioxidant and herbal supplements that boost the immune system, stabilize cells, and repair damage. Examples of these would be vitamin C, vitamin B complex, vitamin E, Quercetin, green tea, and omega-3 fatty acid supplements. Saline sinus rinses also have a high success rate, since they flush out irritants and bacteria. Speaking of flushing out irritants - a good intestinal cleanse has worked wonders for many food allergy sufferers.Skin allergies are another common allergy. The most common causes of skin allergies are poison oak, poison ivy and sumac. Skin-related allergic reactions can also be caused by contact with latex, cockroach and dust mites and even food. Skin allergies affect about 7% of allergy sufferers.When a dog comes in to contact with a variety of allergens such as fibers from bed linen, plants, chemicals, fertilizers or pesticides and some of the household cleaning solvents, it leads to allergies which erupt in the form of contact allergy symptoms. In atopy allergy, hypersensitivity may be caused by otherwise harmless materials like dust mites, pollen and spores.There are many warning signs that indicate that you might have a food allergy: dark circles under the eyes, frequent sniffing or throat-clearing, irritability, moodiness, hyperactivity, or frequent fatigue. Other signs may include headaches, stomach aches, bowel problems, muscle pain, coughing or wheezing, and frequent digestive or respiratory problems. Symptoms vary from person to person.

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