
Sunday 7 October 2012

Allergy Tests Can Help You Avoid Allergens

Allergy attacks jeopardize lives of millions throughout the UK. According to the estimation produced by leading health authorities, almost 30% of the entire population suffer from allergies. Generally allergic reactions are mild, but sometimes they can be more serious and even life threatening. The common allergy symptoms may include difficulty breathing, eczema and hay fever, which include sneezing, nasal congestion or running nose, skin rash and severe itching or swelling of eyes. These allergic reactions can be triggered by many different factors.There is no definite reason to explain why some people are more prone to allergies and others aren't, but it is possible to isolate the factors that lead to an allergic reaction, so that they can be avoided. A number of things can cause an allergic reaction, including contact with certain materials, pollen, dust mites, or certain foods. These allergy causing elements are referred as allergens. A person experiences allergic reactions because his/her body reacts negatively to the proteins in the allergens. There is actually no knowing when you or any dear one of yours will start experiencing complications caused by an allergic reaction. Although there are no cures for allergies, they can be avoided by steering clear of known allergens, which luckily can be identified with the help of allergy tests. These days, thanks to the advancement in the field of healthcare services, you can find out what could be causing your allergies with the help of a laboratory test. The allergy test kits can be purchased from genuine online clinics easily. All you need to do is to send back the required samples at the laboratory assisting the organisation by following the instructions specified. Generally you may have the option of three different types of allergy tests, namely, an inhaled allergy test, food allergy test and food intolerance test. Inhaled allergy test: Of all forms of allergic reactions, the problems caused by substances that we inhale are most common. Starting from children to elderly people, it is quite a common complaint of males and females under any age group that they experience these problems during or after visiting certain environments. The most common symptoms caused by allergic reactions through inhalation are difficult breathing, flowing or stuffy nose, constant sneezing, eye irritation and itching and breathlessness. If you take your inhaled allergy test by ordering a kit, you can enjoy a better life by staying away from the situations that trigger these problems. Food allergy test: The instances of allergic reactions caused by consumption of food substances are comparatively less than allergy caused by inhalation. There are some vegetables and animal foods that are responsible for causing allergies most frequently. The common symptoms of food allergy are - abdominal pain, nausea, wheezing, vomiting, diarrhoea, swelling, severe skin rash, and anaphylaxis (in extreme cases). You need to avoid taking the food substances or any dish that may contain the allergic elements; but at the first place you should be sure about them. You may choose to take a food allergy test by ordering the kit from a registered online clinic. The laboratory working with the organisation will help you to find out which one of the 12 most common forms of allergies is bothering you. Food intolerance test: The common complications like indigestion, bloated feeling, and nausea and stomach pain are often caused due to food intolerance. This problem is caused when your digestive system doesn't produce sufficient enzymes to digest a particular food substance. So, the first thing you should do ward off this problem is to know which kind of food your digestive system is finding difficult to digest. A food tolerance test kit, purchased from a branded medication selling online clinic in the UK, may be of your best assistance in this context. 

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