It’s estimated that 60 million Americans suffer from some type of allergy. Allergies are the 5th highest adult chronic disease and the 3rd most common chronic disease in children. Allergies are a huge problem with no easy solution.Most people suffer from more than one allergy. Allergies can be broken down into two categories, indoor and outdoor allergies. Outdoor allergies include pollen from trees, grass and weeds. Some common indoor allergy triggers are mold spores, dustmites, cockroach allergen, cat, dog and rodent dander. The most common pet allergy is cat dander and 75% of people with allergies have indoor/outdoor allergies. Skin allergies are another common allergy. The most common causes of skin allergies are poison oak, poison ivy and sumac. Skin-related allergic reactions can also be caused by contact with latex, cockroach and dust mites and even food. Skin allergies affect about 7% of allergy sufferers.Food allergies are more common in children. Peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, wheat, soy, fish and shellfish are responsible for 90% of all food allergies. Did you know food allergies claim over 200 lives yearly? A drug allergy happens when you have a harmful reaction to a medicine. Your body’s immune system fights back by setting off an allergic reaction. Most drug allergies are mild, and the symptoms go away within a few days after you stop taking the medication. But some drug allergies can be very serious. Almost 400 Americans die every year from allergies to penicillin. In Marin allergy relief can be tricky because there are so many different types of pollen and allergens. When you're reacting to a combination of allergens it's hard for you to figure out exactly what's causing your discomfort because you're feeling so many different symptoms. Your best course of action is to visit an allergy specialist in your area so they can isolate the allergens and and create a plan to treat your allergies. Visit for more information.
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