
Sunday 7 October 2012

Herbal Solutions For Allergy symptoms

Many people suffer from some type of allergy. It can be a food allergy, a pet allergy, or an allergy to pollen in the air. A mild allergy can make your life miserable and a severe allergy can be life threatening. Fortunately, there are herbal and home remedies that can help you prevent allergy attacks and control the symptoms when you do have one.An allergy is the immune systems overly aggressive response to a common substance like a food or pollen. The body treats this normal substance the same way it would treat a harmful toxin and produces histamine which is the normal immune system response to attack. In some cases, very high amounts of histamine are released which leads to severe allergic reactions.To control allergies, there are three things that need to happen. First, you need to identify what you are allergic to so you can avoid it as much as possible and know what type of preventative remedies to use. Second, you use remedies to strengthen the immune system and prevent attacks. Last, you use remedies to reduce the severity of an allergy attack and recover from it.One of the most common preventative remedies for allergies is honey. You need to use honey that comes from your local area because it will help you prevent allergies that are caused by pollens that are in your area. Another common remedy is nettle tea because it will help increase your resistance to allergies and is a natural antihistamine which can also help once you have an allergy attack.To prevent allergies, Ayurveda medicine recommends cleansing and detoxifying your body and eating mostly organic foods. This will eliminate toxins from your system which will allow your body to deal with potential allergens more effectively. Ayurveda also recommends bitter orange for asthma and other respiratory allergies.Drinking certain teas and herbal drinks can also help prevent allergy attacks. Elderflower tea can help prevent sinus related allergies. Chamomile can help support the stomach and prevent allergies. Ginseng powder added to an herbal drinks can help prevent allergy attacks like hay fever.Once you have an allergy attack, there are a few things you can do to recover. Echinacea is a natural antibiotic that can help you recover from an attack as well as support your immune system when it is run down. Some aromatic oils can help reduce the severity of symptoms as well. Using chamomile in a vaporizer can help respiratory allergies and messaging lavender oil into the affected area can help control localized attacks.The key to controlling allergies is knowing what causes your allergies so make sure you know what you are allergic to. You also need to make sure you have a healthy immune and many remedies for allergies focus on supporting your immune system. If you have severe allergies, make sure you seek the advice of a professional.

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